MODULE 3 Principles Of Dialysis


Inside Module 3 / Principles of Dialysis / Read pages 82 through 100

Text book: Core Curriculum for the Dialysis Technician, Sixth Edition

Handout: Dialysis K Machine Handout...Learn the (11) Parts of the machine.

Video: Watch{ (Osmosis & Diffusion).

Homework Assignment: Define the 14 Dialysis Terms Below & Lab Assignment, (watch the osmosis & diffusion video. Upload your video for your Module 3 Lab Credit. Watch the example video first before you begin.

Module 3 Lecture: Hemodialysis Vascular Access Watch this Video regarding the Introduction of the Nursing Simulation.

Module 3 Review ( If you have any questions on Module 3 that you need assistance with please email me and we can do a Zoom Video Call) If no review is needed, please proceed with your Module 3 Quiz

Module 3 Quiz

Module 3 Lesson Covers

  1. Solutions
  2. Solubility
  3. Semipermeable membrane
  4. Diffusion
  5. Convection
  6. Osmosis
  7. Adsorption
  8. Hydraulic pressure
  9. Fluid dynamics
  10. Filtration and ultrafiltration
  11. Fluid compartments in the human body
  12. Scientific principles to Hemodialysis (HD)
  13. Blood components
  14. Dialyzer

Define these dialysis terms in Module 3 and send them to: [email protected] once completed.

Module 3; YOU MUST BUY A FEW ITEMS.... ( It should be under $4.00 dollars in total). MAKE SURE TO UPLOAD YOUR VIDEO, SO I CAN SEE YOUR OUTCOME OF YOUR OSMOSIS GUMMY BEAR LAB. MY LAB DEMONSTRATION IS BELOW: Watch the example lab video first before starting.

  1. Gummy Bears
  2. Ruler
  3. Spoon
  4. 3 Clear Plastic Cups or 3 Small Glasses
  5. Paper Plate
  6. Black Sharpie or Pen

Request a Zoom Meeting if you have ANY Questions or Need ANY Assistance with this Lab Assignment.

Upload: Your Before and After Gummy Bear Osmosis Video Results (Labs are 25% of Your Grade).

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